simonwistow 11 minutes ago

On OSX you can install XQuartz and libx11 an then compile it with (assuming you installed libx11 via brew)

  cc banks.c -o banks \
        -DIT=XK_Page_Up -DDT=XK_Page_Down \
        -DUP=XK_Up -DDN=XK_Down -DLT=XK_Left -DRT=XK_Right \
        -DCS=XK_Return -Ddt=0.02 \
        -std=c89 \
        -Wno-unsequenced -Wno-implicit-function-declaration -Wno-implicit-int -Wno-empty-body\
        -lm -lX11 -L/usr/local/Cellar/libx11/1.8.10/lib/ -I/usr/local/Cellar/libx11/1.8.10/include
HanClinto 5 hours ago

Wasn't able to find a video of the app working, but did find this Javascript port (?), and it seems to roughly match the appearance shown in screenshots:

  • NavinF an hour ago

    It's very hard to avoid rolling upside down and I wonder if that's intentional. IRL you can just let go of the controls and most aircraft will be stable and fly close to level

mianosm 3 hours ago

I’m sure you’ll be making your own scenery files very soon!!!

cbeach 6 hours ago

Does anyone know of a video online demonstrating this app? I've had a look but can only find screenshots

  • jboy55 4 hours ago

    Here you go,

    compiled on my laptop on WSL.

    sudo apt install x11-common libx11-dev


    ran with

    cat | ./banks

    • cbeach 3 hours ago

      Amazing, thank you!

  • pvg 6 hours ago


    • thih9 6 hours ago

      This is a clip from "The Young Ones S02E03", "Have We Got a Video" montage.

      Not a video of the program running.

    • cbeach 6 hours ago

      To avoid anyone else wasting a click, this isn't the video

zendist 6 hours ago

How in the world did they come up with the obfuscated code for this? Surely they must be using a tool?

  • bruce511 6 hours ago

    no, it was a thing back in the 90's (and likely earlier.) The goal was to write a program that was "impossible to read". Some of the winners are seriously creative. And it's very much just smat kids and their machines...

    I remember one back in the day which wasn't obfuscated at all. It was clearly a simple utility. Except that it didn't do what you thought it did, it did something completely different. (alas I can't remember the details...)

  • thamer an hour ago

    There are a number of blog posts online and StackOverflow questions explaining IOCCC entries, and they generally seem to be built/obfuscated by hand. It's an art and it's far from trivial, which is one of the reasons why the contest exists :)

    For an example, see this StackOverflow question and its detailed answers for an overview of what obfuscation techniques can be used, although many more exist of course:

    I was able to compile it on macOS, but had to include an extra flag to stop clang from being too strict (version 16):

        cc -Wno-implicit-function-declaration -std=c89 -o test test.c
atan2 7 hours ago
