jasode 3 hours ago

>While AWS and Azure are industry leaders, their advantages often only materialize at massive scales. [...]

Your comparisons are similar to many others out there that focus on measuring basic cpu and memory. This type of easy comparison where AWS/Azure/GCP is treated as a "dumb" datacenter is easy for alternatives like Hetzner or self-hosting to "win".

>Do you really need the advanced features of AWS and Azure right now? Or would a simple virtual machine at a reasonable price be sufficient? [...] There’s a growing movement among tech companies and startups to opt for more cost-effective hosting solutions like Hetzner. The high costs associated with AWS and Azure

Many (most?) YC startups are not using AWS as a low-level dumb data center with blank EC2 virtual machines and installing infrastructure software like Linux and PostgreSQL on it. Instead, they are using higher-level AWS managed services such as DynamoDB, Kinesis, SQS, etc :

Therefore, the more difficult comparison (that almost no blog post ever does) is the startup's costs for its employees to re-create/re-invent the set of higher-level AWS services that they need.

Sure, there's the "but you don't need to pay expensive AWS costs for DynamoDB when one can just install open-source Cassandra at Hetzner; and instead of AWS Kinesis, install your own Kafka, etc". Well, you add up more and more of those "just install and manage your own X,Y,Zs" and you can end up crossing the threshold where paying AWS cloud fees cost less than your staff maintaining it. The threshold for AWS isn't just massive scale of 100+ million users. The threshold can be the complexity and scope of higher-level services you need the cloud to take care of on your behalf so your small team can concentrate on the aspects of the business that are true differentiators. In other words, instead of employees installing Cassandra, they're adding features to the smartphone app.

If your company doesn't need any of the Big 3 clouds' higher-level platform services, it's easier to save money with alternatives.

  • londons_explore 2 hours ago

    Continuing this reasoning...

    As soon as your startup does get big, it starts to make more sense to try and migrate to 'dumb' machines and save on infrastructure costs, especially if your business is low margin and your infrastructure costs are high.

    • joshstrange 40 minutes ago

      I agree, that's mostly because the usage patterns have become apparent and you know what features you need and what to optimise for. That's why I prefer managed services to start and then can self-host once price or needs pushes me to.

    • jojobas an hour ago

      Unfortunately by that time you're mired in EKS, SQS, EFS and whatever other 3-letter services, unpicking which is more expensive than months of operation on AWS.

    • JeremyTheo 16 minutes ago

      Agreed! See also the ahrefs example

  • taberiand 2 hours ago

    The caveat to this is, you might think you need RDS, SQS, SNS, S3, Lambda, DynamoDB, Elasticache and Kinesis - but you probably only need Postgres.

    • ywvcbk an hour ago

      You might not technically need it but some of the things offered by those services might be ‘nice to have’ for your specific use case. If they are not available with just Posgres+etc out of the box the few hundred/thousand $ additional costs might be entirely insignificant compared to the additional work-hours you’d need to implement those things.

    • handwarmers an hour ago

      one day someone will rewrite postgres in rust, and i will have to switch to carpentry full time to preserve my sanity.

  • EdwardDiego 2 hours ago

    Unfortunately, it's a false dichotomy you present, it's not a binary choice of fully managed or entirely roll your own.

    E.g., if you're running K8s (one thing I typically recommend you buy a managed one of), you can install your own Kafka in it, using an operator that does about 85% of what MSK does.

    Sure, you'll need to dedicate person hours to support the operator, but is supporting that any more expensive than supporting AWS products? That you're already paying through the nose for?

    • redserk 2 hours ago

      You can open a ticket and make the weirdest of issues with MSK Amazon’s problem to deal with.

      Same with RDS, etc.

      It’s pretty great not to waste time when the lottery for the bizarrest of 0.000001% issues arise.

      The operator only solves the happy path. An AWS support ticket usually can solve the unhappy path.

      • EdwardDiego 2 hours ago

        Sure, but you can also go to a Slack channel and get help from the people who wrote the FOSS code you're using.

        For free.

        Yep, if your Kafka is mission critical and crashes hard, that is bad.

        But things like Kafka are _never_ a black box you just spin up and never worry about, if anyone thinks so, CAP theorem will give them an awful surprise one day.

        You're always going to need someone in your team who understands the tech and how to make best use of it.

        MSK won't tell you how many partitions your topic needs, or whether your retention strategy should be delete, or compact, or both.

        You still need that knowledge of the "managed" service to make effective use of it.

        And that knowledge sits rather close to knowledge of how the system works, so given you'll need that knowledge anyway, may as well cultivate it instead.

        Oh, and the operators also solve a lot of the unhappy paths too, FYI.

        I tend to describe the operator approach as "half-managed" because things like multiple-AZ stretch clusters need some configuration.

        But then, maybe you didn't want a 3-AZ cluster? Maybe a 2.5? MSK says no.

        • sgarland 2 hours ago

          > You're always going to need someone in your team who understands the tech and how to make best use of it.

          > And that knowledge sits rather close to knowledge of how the system works, so given you'll need that knowledge anyway, may as well cultivate it instead.

          This has been my argument forever, and it’s always met with disagreement, because entirely too many people have no desire to learn their tooling. They just want an API that they can push data into, and get it back out. What happens inside is irrelevant.

          It’s extremely sad to me.

        • akdev1l 2 hours ago

          > Sure, but you can also go to a Slack channel and get help from the people who wrote the FOSS code you're using. > > For free.

          Relying on volunteer support of varying degrees of quality for your business sounds insane.

          Also at that point the business should really be donating or contributing to the development of the software otherwise it is considered what we call a dick move.

        • CPLX 2 hours ago

          > For free

          Not sure we agree on the meaning of this phrase in this context.

          • EdwardDiego 2 hours ago

            If you ever hit an issue with Kafka or Strimzi, go to their Slack, some of the most intelligent people I've ever had the privilege to work alongside will be there, helping you.

            For 0 money. That kinda free.

            • nobleach an hour ago

              And while that's super awesome that someone feels passionately enough about a piece of tech - that they're willing to spend their precious resources helping others... that kind of charity is untenable. You can't expect that person to be there at 3am when systems are down and your nightly processing jobs are failing.

            • oh_fiddlesticks 2 hours ago

              I would prefer to say "free of charge", because that support is not actually free, it has a cost, you're just not required to pay for it.

              But you as well as I know, that what the other participant in this conversation means, is that if a for-profit entity relies on support that is "free of charge" in this way, such that it can continue to profit on the back of their product support, then the for-profit entity really ought to seriously consider a voluntary donation of some kind to support the continued maintenance and support of the product.

      • sgarland 2 hours ago

        This has not been my experience at multiple companies with AWS, even with heavy spend – your tickets have to make it through a gatekeeper who has no more idea than you on how to fix it, and more triage than anything else.

        • hhh 2 hours ago

          I only have the opposite. Great support with amazingly deep knowledge at every level.

      • torginus 2 hours ago

        Can you? While Amazon support is one of the better ones, you are still asking for an hour or two of time from a support guy who has no idea about your usecases or internal systems.

        They usually tend to be genuinely helpful but are a far cry from solving your issues themselves.

        • vishnugupta 2 hours ago

          Given that AWS has been around for nearly two decades they have probably encountered and have a workaround/fix for 99.99% of the use cases.

          Of course there’s a minuscule possibility of you having a new use case. But is that good enough reason to build your infrastructure? That is a business call you need to make.

          • fxtentacle 2 hours ago

            The problem is that if you're a regular-sized company, you will never reach any support person with experience inside AWS ;) And paying for Enterprise-grade support at a medium to small scale is probably more expensive than just hiring 1 skilled operator. And in the latter case, it then doesn't matter anymore if the problem takes 1 hour our 10 hours because your employee can take as much time as needed.

    • infecto 2 hours ago

      That's ultimately the question. It comes down to cost and time. If you have enough scale that hiring a full-time person is more cost effective than paying for managed, great. On the flip side, you don't necessarily want to take engineering hours away from building the product you sell.

    • xyzzy123 2 hours ago

      It's also, what kind of startup are you? What kind of workload do you have?

      If you are bootstrapping a crud app business then 1 beefy hetzner box (or something slightly more reliable) with postgresql is probably fine until you reach scale where you sell the business. You care about burn rate above all.

      If you are VC backed go all in on gcp or aws because thats what you're expected to do and and what the expensive people you hire are going to know.

      • infecto 2 hours ago

        I agree but would slightly modify it in that if you have taken VC money, growth probably matters above all else. Don't waste time on activities not related to the product being sold.

      • heisenbit 2 hours ago

        I really wonder whether a VC would rather invest into a startup with an architect focusing on KISS or one where the architect goes all in on cloud.

  • gxd 2 hours ago

    Oftentimes, when you see someone proposing "just save 70% by installing open source XYZ", they are thinking like an individual and not a business. Fast-moving startups and medium businesses in areas with high cost of labor can save a ton by outsourcing labor to AWS/Azure if they are okay with the lock-in. Of course, each case is different and people shouldn't just blindly adopt AWS/Azure without thinking about it...

  • torginus 2 hours ago

    Honestly most of the stuff I do is internal facing tooling with usually less than 100 concurrent and 1k peak users. For those, managing a server or two, or god forbid, a small autoscaling cluster is not a hassle.

    For high-scale operations, you need to think real hard about how you do things and usually simplicity is key, and trying to do a little as possible on the high throughput parts is useful.

    The costs do add up when you have professionals maintaining your Cassadra/Kafka boxes, but the same degree of complexity exists on AWS, when you try to weave together a tapestry of EC2s, lambdas, various storage services, with all the delicious complexity of multiple VPCs and networking fineries while not blowing the budget.

    It's a different skillset, but not less work.

  • adamcharnock 2 hours ago

    This is what we're trying to address at Lithus[1]. We're offering both the raw compute resources, and also the DevOps time needed to setup and manage the services your engineering team needs.

    [1] https://lithus.eu

  • asah 2 hours ago

    depends on scale - at small scale, fully managed services are a godsend but at <x> scale (esp per-service) then it pays to self-manage or use low cost or FOSS mgmt tools.

  • the_real_cher 42 minutes ago

    Not to mention having to add additional security staff.

  • vishnugupta 2 hours ago


    To add, if you every want to get ISO/PCIDSS etc certification done then good luck implementing gazillion check list items which Azure/AWS/GCP have already taken care of.

    • sgarland 2 hours ago

      Which is bullshit, because the auditors ALWAYS miss stuff, even things I would think are painfully obvious. It’s a cottage industry that allows the C-Suite to assure investors that they have taken all necessary precautions, so when they get hacked they can point and say “we were certified!”

Kostarrr 3 hours ago

Also note: traffic costs. On Hetzner, it's almost impossible to pay for traffic. Even their tiniest machine has 20 TB outgoing traffic (and unlimited incoming). If you used it up (you most probably wont), that's another 1,792 USD of costs saved by your tiny 4$/month VM compared to AWS. (At least if I was able to use the AWS cost calculator correctly).

They will have object storage soon, but dont hold your breath for one-click kubernetes etc. So the fancier you infrastructure, the more you your startup would need to invest in time and money to use Hetzner and thus make it "not worth it".

CharlieDigital 3 hours ago

On GCP and Azure, most folks would be better off running serverless containers via Cloud Run or Container Apps (AWS has no direct equivalent that scales to 0 and incurs no cost).

Both of these scale to zero and offer 180k vCPU/s free per month, 360k GB/s free per month. You incur billing only against the active execution time. Cloud Run Jobs has a whole separate free monthly grant as well.

You can run A LOT for free within those constraints. Certainly a blog or website. To prevent cold starts, just set up Cloud Scheduler (also free for this purpose) to ping the container every few minutes.

Use Supabase for a DB or one of the serverless options (if it works for your data use case) like Firestore, CosmosDB and you can run workloads for a few cents per month with an architecture that will scale easily if you need it to.

6 min video showing the receipts and how easy this is: https://youtu.be/GlnEm7JyvyY

  • obenn 2 hours ago

    The AWS equivalent to Cloud Run and Container Apps is called Fargate, https://aws.amazon.com/fargate/

    • CharlieDigital 2 hours ago

      Neither Fargate nor App Runner scale to zero (unless something changed). So there is always a baseline cost of a few dollars.

      • chrisoverzero 2 hours ago

        But if you’re constantly pinging the container (as suggested above), it will never scale to zero.

        • CharlieDigital an hour ago

          It "scales to zero" as soon as the request stops as far as billing is concerned.

          However, the image remains "warm" and incurs zero cost once the last request ends. So I usually have a `/heartbeat` endpoint for this purpose and point a Cloud Scheduler job at it.

          I haven't read the docs to figure out the exact heuristics of when it becomes "cold" again.

  • E_Bfx 2 hours ago

    Thanks a lot,

    Most people think it is easier to use EC2 than FarGate since the first is the most famous one. But actually, it is the other way around!

tetha 3 hours ago

> Do you really need the advanced features of AWS and Azure right now? Or would a simple virtual machine at a reasonable price be sufficient? That’s the main question here.

This is one of the more important points and why the point "The learning curve of a single server isn't so big, especially when compared to AWS" is sitting a bit wrong with me.

Sure, if you talk about 1 VM, I agree. And I wouldn't second guess doing this, at all. It would be my initial plan as well as long as I don't have to make any strong availability guarantees. And for this use case, I'd call AWS a bad choice. It's not a simple VM provider.

But once you start running e.g. a redundant postgres cluster for updates without downtime, the amount of stuff to know also grows, a lot. Suddenly you also need backups, tests of backups. And this is where AWS/the cloud allows you to save time, and treadmill time.

  • JeremyTheo an hour ago

    The article was originally intended at manufacturing companies, not at IT startups, that currently go "all-in" on AWS and Azure with all of their managed services, when actually 95% of their workloads are in virtual machines, and the remaining stuff could easily be handled on a single VM. Or maybe a couple of VMs and a managed postgres somewhere (e.g., maybe even at AWS or Azure).

    Would probably give them way more budget in actually building applications than running the infrastructure.

    Maybe I'll extend the article to include the point of using a managed postgres at AWS / Azure / fly.io, whatever, in combination with Hetzner VMs.

m-i-l an hour ago

This matches my experience. I ran one of my side-projects on AWS for a couple of years before switching to Hetzner - AWS was around £35 a month while Hetzner was around £7 a month, so Hetzner was around 80% cheaper for an equivalent service[0]. The other big thing was all the little costs in AWS - it took 2 months to get the AWS bill down to £0 due to all the hidden extras like backups and Elastic IP address.

[0] Full details at https://blog.searchmysite.net/posts/migrating-off-aws-has-re...

infocollector 3 hours ago

Summary: Hetzner does offer reliable and cheap machines compared to AWS/Azure/GCP.

The pricing is more on par with Digital Ocean/Linode.

  • nik736 3 hours ago

    No, it's at least 4x cheaper.

  • anonzzzies 3 hours ago

    For many things DO is 2x or more though. Linode I never tried.

    • bravetraveler 3 hours ago

      Not sure it still applies, but I didn't like Linode because they minded the disk arrangement too much. Prescribing the layout/geometry in the UI. Something about their implementation prevents one from just loading a typical cloudy image.

      Maybe, just maybe, I want to use LVM or something entirely unknown to them. Not necessarily in a privacy sense, but control.

lelag 2 hours ago

It's not the same product, even if you consider just virtual machines rather than higher level services that others commenters are referring to. Sure public cloud is more expensive but you pay for the reliability of not being bound to physical hardware. When you buy a dedicated machine from OVH or Hetzner, you get a great deal for the compute power, but if something goes wrong with the hardware, you're stuck waiting for a technician to fix it.

Take the recent Lichess downtime, for example. Their main server had a hardware issue that required physical intervention. This meant the site was down for over 10 hours, and there wasn't much they could do except wait for OVH to send a tech.

If Lichess had been on AWS, the provider would have automatically moved their workload to a functioning server, and the outage would have been much shorter or possibly avoided altogether.

For Lichess, a non-profit, this tradeoff still make sense. Their service, while important to its users, isn't critical. Nobody dies if Lichess is down and the cost savings help them keep running. But if your business can't afford downtime, the extra guarantees from a public cloud provider can definitely be worth paying for.

  • factormeta 2 hours ago

    >Take the recent Lichess downtime, for example. Their main server had a hardware issue that required physical intervention. This meant the site was down for over 10 hours, and there wasn't much they could do except wait for OVH to send a tech.

    If you not a HN person with systemadmin skills yes. But is NOT that hard to have in house RADI hd setup, with failover server. Or failover NAT gateway. AWS and cloud provider are just a rip off.

    • olieidel an hour ago

      Even something as magical as a RAID won't make a technician instantly teleport to your server, power it down in zero seconds, swap out the hard drive and boot it back up in another zero seconds.

      OPs comment is valid - physical servers might incur downtime.

      But I do agree with your sentiment. "Downtime" is not an argument which should tilt the discussion towards either physical servers or the cloud. AWS data centers famously also have outages, while physical servers often have uptimes of multiple years. So what's better? It's hard to tell, but at the very least, none of these solutions is downtime-free.

CalRobert 3 hours ago

I just moved a personal project from digitalocean to OVH and I’m hooked. So damn simple, cheap, and powerful. Far fewer layers of abstraction.

  • a-french-anon 10 minutes ago

    Been using their VLE-2 offer over what Hetzner gives because it's basically the same price, but unlimited bandwidth and they use AMD Epyc CPUs, which can't be a bad thing benchmark wise (especially memory bandwidth wise).

jabwd 3 hours ago

The offering from Hetzner I find especially appealing are the consumer grade hardware ones. No I wouldn't host business critical services on one, but I don't have those so easy win for me price wise.

  • nik736 3 hours ago

    Why not? It's ECC RAM and a server grade motherboard. The only downside is 1 PSU, but you can buy 10x the amount of servers compared to AWS :-)

    • deadbunny 2 hours ago

      They're running ECC on consumer level Intel chips?

      • Havoc 2 hours ago

        Just the amds

        Plus Xeon’s ofc

  • thegeomaster 3 hours ago

    I would probably host even some business-critical services on Hetzner's infra. I'm thinking of "worker"-type workloads, where each machine is 100% stateless and just serves to do some compute-intensive work. With that configuration, single-node data loss doesn't really affect you, and the CPU is plentiful and cheap with Hetzner bare metal (e.g. AX101 AMD machines).

  • Scarjit 3 hours ago

    Why not ? If you need to have HA you could easily spin up a kubernetes cluster and still be cheaper.

code_runner 2 hours ago

This just in: use the tool that is most cost effective for your specific use case. There is no one-size-fits-all. More to come after this advertisement

999900000999 2 hours ago

AWS is like the tool I know. I pay roughly 30$ for a CaptainRover install running on Lightsail.

Hetzner starts at 50 Euro, only has servers and Europe and is going to require a ton more work.

AWS has the right idea, they give everyone who asks nicely thousands in free credits to get started. Then 2 years in your hooked. I don't want to learn a new system.

  • sgarland an hour ago

    Hetzner Cloud has US and Singapore locations as well, and starts at 5 Euro.

    It will take slightly more effort than Lightsail, yes.

    • 999900000999 an hour ago

      I'm looking at the bare metal servers. I'm always open to being wrong...

      I still don't think I feel like migration though. Captain Rover isn't exactly lightweight.

  • JeremyTheo 2 hours ago

    Hetzner does start at a much lower price point, and has servers also in Singapore and US (but only since a couple of months)

earnesti 2 hours ago

I believe that I've saved millions thanks to the fact that I stumbled on Hetzner back in the days and started using it for the company I was working on. Not saying it is a perfect service, but I very much like my money, and seeing on what kind of invoices are racked up by using these cloud services, I'm pretty confident that the alternative costs would have been 4-5x more.

6c696e7578 3 hours ago

Sssh please don't tell Hetzner this, I'm using them!

miyuru 2 hours ago

I am actually surprised that more people haven't just create and host the same software/service on AWS for cheaper on hetnzer.

I have only stumbled on one service that do it. its a datadog alternative, so the bar is not that high for pricing.

asah 2 hours ago

Company of mine just migrated from AWS for a high bandwidth service. Full payback in month one, plus more savings as they scale.

They're leaving other things on AWS, i.e. partial migration is quite doable.

nijave 2 hours ago

Do people want to use VMs? Imo they're much more annoying to manage than higher-level managed services. The last few places I've worked we spent our time trying to get rid of VMs and replace them with equivalent managed services.

Even with automation tools like Ansible or immutable server images, packing as Docker images and running on a container orchestrator have always been much easier.

  • sgarland an hour ago

    Depends if you want to pay more in money(a lot more) indefinitely, or pay more in time up front to set up automation. If you have immutable images, I don’t see how there is much difference at all. There are many container orchestrators available.

    • nijave 25 minutes ago

      All these "VMs are sooo much cheaper" articles are always pricing bare VMs. It'd be more useful if someone actually calculated Total Cost of Ownership for a completed solution. You likely also need to price in load balancers, database servers, DNS, backups, access management, monitoring to get a fair quote and a meaningful comparison if you actually plan to run a real application

CyanLite2 2 hours ago

Azure/AWS provide much more base services (multiple regions/AZs, DynamoDB, S3, SQS, etc) that are pennies to operate and aren't really targeting the cheap low end that Hetzner is.

Havoc 2 hours ago

Don’t think anyone sane that just needs cheap VM compute goes to AWS.

  • fxtentacle 2 hours ago

    There's a seemingly endless supply of small to medium-sized companies doing exactly that. That's why there's consultants who offer to migrate you off EC2 onto 2-3 bare-metal hosts.

beaviskhan 2 hours ago

Well that is true, but I don't use AWS or Azure because I want to run servers. If you treat a public cloud like a datacenter, you're likely to have a bad time.

alberth 2 hours ago

Hetzner, please bring dedicated servers to the US.

jiggawatts 3 hours ago

Most cloud customers don't pay on-demand retail prices. For example, Azure VM Reservations or Savings Plans typically provide a 50-65% discount. AWS has similar plans.

For example, instead of the ancient F8 series used in the article, a modern D8as_v5 Azure instance under a 3-year Savings Plan is $115/mo.

Also, the article compares CPX41 to EC2 and Azure VMs with dedicated cores, not shared cores. The CCX33 Hetzner model is closer to the normal clouds, and costs $50/mo, so now we're at 2x the price instead of 10x the price. (Conversely, the B8als_v2 size uses shared cores and is also 2x the price of CPX41 at $74/mo)

For that 2x cost you get a lot more features, first-party and third-party support, more locations, faster networking, etc... That's worth it for most large enterprises that care about ticking checkboxes on audit reports more than absolute cost. Or to put it this way: the annual price difference is just $600, which is the same cost to an org as half a day of engineer-time or less. If Hetzner is the slightest bit more difficult than a large public cloud VM for anything, ever, then it's not cheaper. This could be patching, maintenance, migrations, backup, recovery, automation, encryption, or just about anything else.

There are other differences as well. Hetzner has a separate charge for load balancers and IP addresses, whereas with Azure they're included in the price of the VM.

The biggest cost difference is that the public clouds charge eyewatering amounts for Internet egress traffic. Azure is about 100x as expensive as Hetzner, which is just crazy.

  • mxuribe 2 hours ago

    I certainly can't dispute the other points...but to me the AWS Savings plan always felt like vendor lock-in...and sort of like a virtual "on prem", in that i have to commit to something for X amount of time (like old school provisioning hardware and have it live for X time), and then i lose the flexibility of what i thought *the cloud* in general was supposed provide: that is, freedom to scale up, down or *out*, etc. I won't fault AWS and others for making their money; this is capitalism after all regardless of the vendor. I guess maybe the cloud sort of lost its shine, and it doesn't feel as liberating as maybe it once did, and both cost and complexity are overblown, maybe?

    • jiggawatts 2 hours ago

      It's the result of MBA-driven enshittification.

      "In the beginning" the clouds promised to use their scale to soak up your unpredictable demand. You as the customer didn't have to think about capacity, or planning ahead, budgets, opex, etc... Just swipe your credit card and go from zero to any number you please and back again at any time of your choosing. Because there are so many other customers using the cloud with you, the unpredictable nature of your individual usage is averaged out and the cloud vendor gets a (slightly) noisy but manageable usage level of their resources. They have to work a little harder to predict future capacity needs, but you pay a premium for this.

      "A little later" the MBAs realise that they can squeeze 5% more profit out of their customers with lock-in contracts that make everything "nice and predictable" instead of the stochastic noise they had to "deal with" before. Getting rid of that makes things a lot harder for you as the customer, but they don't care. They care about that 5%.

      Ta-da... we're back at having to "procure", we're back at budgets that have to be planned for 3 years in advance, we're back at having to have time machines.

      • mxuribe 2 hours ago

        Bleh and yuck! I'm finding myself nodding in agreement with all that you stated, but not feeling good about it because of the reality of things! :-)

        • jiggawatts an hour ago

          The reality is that with the maximum discount, the public cloud is still 2x the cost of comparable hosting providers (including on-prem).

          More realistically, I've found that the cost is between 3x to 7x what people were paying for before.

          I'm not surprised cloud adoption has slowed to a crawl. Azure and AWS won't admit this publicly because it would tank their share price, but they can't hide it from observant people. For example, they used to get the latest Intel or AMD CPUs before retail availability in huge numbers. Now? They're 2-3 generations behind because they're not rolling out new servers in significant numbers. The customers are all tightening their belts because of the global economic downturn, and one of the most expensive things they've been splurging on before was public cloud hosting.

rao13 12 minutes ago

Great Read!

hggigg 3 hours ago

Worth noting us large AWS customers get huge discounts, huge credit, actual real engineers on hand 24/7 on Slack, contractual service guarantees that last years and a large market of people we can leverage to build stuff in there. And a lot of the services are low to zero cost that would be expensive to run on Hetzner or don't exist and you have to build out.

YMMV but all costs aren't instance costs.

  • theshrike79 3 hours ago

    Yep, most corporations have 2-3 _named_ account reps who are available on the company Slack and will visit your office 1-2 times a year to sync up that everything is working as it should.

    And they're not just salespeople, they've actually said multiple times if a feature doesn't work for us without trying to hold it wrong in a dangerous (and expensive) way.

    • JoshTriplett 3 hours ago

      > they've actually said multiple times if a feature doesn't work for us without trying to hold it wrong in a dangerous (and expensive) way.

      Can you give examples of this? I'd love to hear more about the kinds of guidance they can give.

      • theshrike79 an hour ago

        We were building a matchmaking service for our mobile game and thought about using Amazon GameLift FlexMatch[0]. On the surface it would've worked.

        BUT, it's _very_ highly geared towards fully-online games where everyone playing the game is connected to a server all the time. Our game was asynchronous PvP where the attacker was online, but the defender wasn't.

        I had a 30 minute chat with them and they confirmed that it _could_ be made to work, but it'd be extremely janky and expensive in our use case.

        We ended up building our own (or actually expanding our existing setup a bit).


        We've also got pretty good estimates on how much something might cost: we have an application that needs a specific number of writes/reads with X amount of data per write, what would be the cost on different Amazon services.

        Again they came back with numbers and with many services (DynamoDB especially) it would've been either impossible or prohibitively expensive. We ended up changing the application structure to do less IOPS + more aggressive caching and ended up using plain S3 as storage.

        Without their consultation (And inside knowledge about AWS internal hard limits) we would've spent weeks building a solution that will eventually fail as the data stored per user goes up.

        [0] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/gamelift/latest/flexmatchguide/m...

theshrike79 3 hours ago

...when using bare metal servers.

Hetzner doesn't have the services AWS provides, that's the reason most companies I know use AWS for.

If we could run our crap on any server, we would, but managed services are still cost-effective vs hiring our own 24/7/365 rotation of on-call ops people.

JCM9 2 hours ago

These types of articles always read like “yeah you could buy a Land Rover, but this Kia hatchback over here still gets you from A to B and is only a fraction of the cost.”

It seems lost on the authors that yes that might work for some folks just fine, but others really do want the Land Rover and all its additional baked in features beyond getting you from A to B.

jojobas 3 hours ago

You don't get valued $2T for charity.