sandreas 14 hours ago

I wrote a tool based on my own custom markdown format / file structure. The file is always called `` and part of the project as well as my personal invoice generator git repository, which is basically a parser + pdf generator.

The md file contains customer information, todos and time tracking. Based on this format I can generate an invoice with a detailed table of every task including the time required. And it even looks pretty good in the markdown view.

It can be edited in any IDE / text editor and even in the online editor of the git management.

Works pretty well so far. An example:

  # Customer
  Company Name
  Magic Avenue 12
  Zip-Code City
  Project name with short description
  30 day terms

  # Todo
  - [x] create project
  - [x] init git
  - [x] add build scripts
  - [x] draw UI concept
    - [x] Home
    - [x] Settings
    - [ ] Choose icons
  - [ ] Build prototype
    - [ ] Choose UI framework
    - [ ] ...
  # Time tracking
  - 17.42-18.02 project creation and git initialisation
  - 11.55-13.23 basic project setup and build scripts
  - 16.47-17.08 new UI concept (drawing and design, HomeView)
  - 17.20-17.42 new UI concept (drawing and design, SettingsView)
  • gashmol 3 hours ago

    How do you handle deadlines and setbacks?

slurpyb 17 hours ago

Todoist, Obsidian and Eagle form the second brain. Write to forget things, not remember them. Only plan daily if you can. Github issues + projects, even without a team helps to track progress and prioritise tasks. Mix Clockify in there as a time tracker and invoice generator for short and long term tasks

ensocode 2 hours ago

Definitely clockify for time tracking

nuc1e0n 16 hours ago

Git for source code control. A notepad and pencil for listing out the TODOs. I write "Done" next to a bullet point when it's done. I might rewrite the list occasionally without the done items for clarity or write numbers next to the bullet points to prioritise them. I think if you can't write out a task description as a short sentence then it's either not well understood enough or too broad in scope to accomplish easily. In the latter case it needs breaking out into a set of smaller tasks.

I don't use any framework for unit tests. Only a short program for each test that returns 0 on success or some other number for failure and prints a message to stderr about what the problem is. These get run in a loop from a shell script.

  • hyperbrainer 16 hours ago

    The same as you, but for TODOs, I have a simple macro on my neovim setup because then I can keep the todos with my version control(it is a single text file, newline separated) and see what changed and why I added something. Really helpful if I come back to something after some time.

    • jvanderbot 15 hours ago

      I do something similar. Simple highlights on to-do items helps a lot.

      And using bullet journal style to-do markers help organization.

      - [ ] todo

      - [x] done

      - [-] failed

      - [v] dropped

      - [>] migrated

      - [^] scheduled

      - [<] delegated

      Easy to set up vim highlighting on those patterns.

      I have some examples here:

      And a bash setup here

      • nuc1e0n 15 hours ago

        I wasn't aware what I've been doing is named bullet journaling by some, but thanks for this info.

sandwichsphinx 19 hours ago

The only tool I truly find magically despite how boring it sounds is chatGPT, I can tell it everything as a living dev log, I tell it time date when I do things and why and so on just documentating my progress, listing todos and reminders as I go but now I can "talk" back forth on the administrative things like reminding me where I was, recap here, it's just great for managing boring things like I never been able to do before

  • etcd 18 hours ago

    Does ChatGPT have storage options now? Seems like you would need that unless you paste the output into a doc and reupload it.

mgirkins 15 hours ago

I built for this! I want to have easy visibility over everything but quickly drill down into specifics so it uses a tree structure for tasks.

You can break down any project into smaller and smaller sections to whatever degree you like and it makes it super easy to visualise everything and make progress.

warriorj 7 hours ago

- clockify for time tracking - Google keep for notes - Trello for my personal work management - DocuSign to sign contracts - eProcessify for generating and sending invoices

Hashex129542 7 hours ago

I don't use any tools. Just plain text editor for notes

aosaigh 18 hours ago

What are your needs?

etcd 18 hours ago

Trello is good for the kanban side of things.

  • gashmol 4 hours ago

    Trello was the first tool I used. Drag & drop and the whole UI was fun but it's hard to see the big picture.

  • nuc1e0n 16 hours ago

    Trello is good for small teams that aren't co-located.

mmphosis 18 hours ago

  • nuc1e0n 16 hours ago

    Yeah make is nice for managing simple build steps.